What is GNAR AF all about?

We’re Gnar AF. Stoked to meet you fam! Completely subjective and unabashedly human, art drives our culture to new places and forces us to think, to feel, and sometimes, emote. Other times art is incredibly absurd and for that very reason alone it should be treasured. Art is the result of experience and perspective. In all reality, art is life and life is art. Check out our styles!

Our Founders


@caleb_tice; Co-Founder of Gnar AF, Leader, Man of Action led by the belief that businesses should share as much as possible with the humans supporting said business.


@billbear6969; Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor, Director of No Bullshxt


@mrbojangos – Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor; Director of Tech and Dreams, Passionate about mud and mud accessories, check out MudFm


@NightManWins – Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor, Legendary & Lead Gnar AF Artist, Director of Branding, Bad Ass Founder of Strategic Art & Design - SAD Girls Art @SADgirlsArt